HIPAA Compliance Training
- Mobile-Friendly, Self-Paced Format
- Nationally-Accredited, Regulatory-Approved
Course Objectives
For Members With Access to Private Health Information (PHI)
Follows the Guidelines by the Health and Human Services
Valid for 2 years
Course Description
Earn fast, simple and Nationally Accredited HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) training certification at AHCA. You can learn at your pace. The validity of the course is 2 years and one can take unlimited exam retakes. The course materials are designed and led by experts. Print your HIPAA wallet card instantly after passing.
Regulations/Board Approvals
This HIPAA course is designed to provide you with the basic understanding and training for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), enforces the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. This HIPAA training course is designed to follow the National guidelines and information provided by the Health and Human Services.
HIPAA Compliance Training - An Overview
HIPAA compliance training helps businesses protect sensitive health information. It follows the guidelines by the Health and Human Services and teaches employees ways to handle patient data safety and avoid costly violations. Our nationally accredited HIPAA training is for members with access to Private Health Information (PHI). It is a must for healthcare workers, insurers, and anyone dealing with medical records. When you stay updated with HIPAA guidelines, it builds trust and keeps your company legally protected.
Who Needs to Comply with HIPAA?
HIPAA compliance is required for:
Healthcare providers, including doctors, hospitals, nurses, clinics, and pharmacies.
Health plans for insurance companies, HMOs, and government programs.
Healthcare clearinghouses, which are entities that process nonstandard health information into standard formats.
Business associates, including vendors and service providers that handle or access protected health information on behalf of covered entities.
How Does the Training Work?
The training is offered online, making it easy to fit into busy schedules. It comprises real-world scenarios, interactive modules, and quizzes to reinforce learning. Take retakes as many times as you want until you pass the exam successfully. Learn to handle patients at a, respond to breaches, and comply with HIPAA regulations.
Why Choose LearnTastic as your HIPAA Training Provider?
LearnTastic offers easy-to-understand training for your team’s needs. Choose us as we provide:
Updated Content
Our courses are updated continuously and reflect the latest HIPAA regulations. This will help you keep your team informed and compliant.
Mobile Friendly
Employees can complete training on any device of their choice, including mobile phones, tablets, or computers. This makes it easy to learn anytime, anywhere.
Self-Paced Learning
Complete the training at your own pace. This helps you fully understand each section before going to the next.
User-Friendly Format
Learn through simple and interactive sessions with videos, quizzes, and real-world examples that make learning easy.
Instant Certification
Employees get certificates after completing the course, which gives clear documentation for audits and compliance tracking.
Get affordable pricing without compromising on quality.
Course Module
Our HIPAA compliance training provides a comprehensive understanding of HIPAA regulations and their applications in healthcare. Here is a breakdown of our primary modules:
What is HIPAA?
This module explains the basics of HIPAA, its purpose, and why it was created. It highlights how HIPAA protects patient privacy and ensures the secure handling of health information.
What are Covered Entities?
Learn who must comply with HIPAA regulations, including healthcare providers, insurers, and clearinghouses. This section outlines the key roles and responsibilities of these entities in safeguarding patient data.
Covered Entity Responsibilities
This chapter focuses on the duties of covered entities in protecting health information. It explains required policies, security measures, and how to respond to potential breaches.
What is PHI?
Understand what Protected Health Information (PHI) includes and why it’s essential to keep it secure. This module breaks down examples of PHI and how to recognize and handle it properly.
What is HITECH?
This section introduces the HITECH Act, which strengthens HIPAA regulations by promoting better data protection practices. It explains how HITECH increases penalties for non-compliance and encourages the adoption of electronic health records.
Individual PHI Rights
Learn about patients’ rights to access and control their health information. This module covers how individuals can request their records, correct errors, and understand who has accessed their data.
Penalties and Consequences
This chapter discusses the financial, legal, and reputational risks of failing to comply with HIPAA. It explains the types of penalties and how they change based on the severity of the violation.
Accreditations and Certifications
HIPAA compliance training aligns with national guidelines and is based on information provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The course is provided in partnership with the American HealthCare Academy. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), part of HHS, enforces HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. It ensures compliance with their standards. Once you complete the course, participants receive the certificate.
Our Board Approvals and Accepted CE Certificates.