Pre-School CDA Package
Package includes 54 courses

Package designed for:
Continuing education credit hours:

This package includes:
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54 Final Quiz
Package Description
This course is designed to meet the educational requirements towards the attainment of the CDA credential. You will find class modules that equal at least 10 clock hours in each of the eight CDA subject areas and additional classes to equal at least the 120 hours that are required. You will need to complete all the classes but you may choose the order in which you complete them and you may work at your pace. You will see each class checked in the right hand margin of the class listing page as you complete them. Once you complete all of the classes you will then need to complete the evaluation form and we will send you a transcript that lists all classes and hours.
Package highlights
Child Care Lounge online classes have been accredited and approved to show that they are of the highest quality.